by Dean Koontz
The House of Thunder is a mystery, a suspense and a thriller. For me, it was also a master class in "show, don't tell". The story follows Susan Thornton, who wakes up from a coma in hospital and has amnesia following a car accident. If you're thinking yeah, yeah, cliché, then think again. This beginning premise is the only thing about the story that might be considered "traditional". Everything that follows is nothing like you would expect.
It had me gripped from start to finish. I couldn't wait to find out what happens next. Koontz cleverly unravels the mystery entirely from Susan's point of view, as we follow her physical recovery and mental descent. Have her long-dead enemies from a college hazing, years ago, come back to life? Or is there something more strange and sinister going on? Obviously, given that it's a mystery story, I can't give away too much. Readers will not be disappointed, both existing fans and newcomers. I can highly recommend it.
The House of Thunder is available from Headline Fiction, ISBN 978-0-7472-3661-0. It was originally published under the pseudonym Leigh Nichols.
Reviewed by Captain Black
I read this...the suspense was so well done that I felt ill with nerves at times as I read it.
I've never read a Dean Koontz, but I might have to give one a go now :o)
DJ: Much of Koontz writing is like this, though he did get a bit of a dip in and around From the Corner of His Eye. I like the earlier stuff plus the Moonlight Bay and Odd Thomas series.
Karen: My other favourites are Strangers and Lightning.
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